Saturday, December 27, 2008

Oh Crap It's All Over!

Sometime around 8 a.m. Brad and I were awakened by this sweet little voice, "Momma and Daddy, it's Horton. I got a Horton movie!!!" Brad and I jumped out of bed, both of us imagining wrapping paper scattered from one end of the living room to the other. To be fair we just didn't think of this scenario. I went to bed with the camera in the perfect position to be grabbed to capture Aidan's first reaction. Brad was going to let me get ahead of her. We'd get dressed in our comfy sweats, make the coffee, and get in position to open and play all day... all this after Aidan woke us up before going downstairs as she does every morning. We didn't give her any instructions before she fell asleep- LIVE AND LEARN! Luckily, she only opened the one movie, got excited and wanted to share it with us. Yeah, I wish I had that first photo of Aidan in awe, but this is a great memory too.

Here's the confession tape.

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