Saturday, January 30, 2010

Out takes

Zombie face! Isn't she the sweetest thing you've ever seen?!

Ultrasound Pics

These are the embryos 5 days old on the day they were implanted. 6-29-09
These are just some of the good pics that we have of the kids. This pic is of the little girl spooning behind her brother. 10-27-09 12-21-09 Baby B- Leo. We have some great 3D pics of him, but Baby C likes to hide her face.
I'd rather bend into a pretzel than let you take my picture!

Capri still doesn't want to show her face so she tucked it under her brother's.
There's a thin membrane in between them. They like to kung fu fight and snuggle, what good siblings already!

Leo snuggled behind his sister.
We don't have another ultrasound until Feb. 15, maybe Capri with show her face to us then?!

Almost there!

It's finally a baby's room and not just the holiday staging area! I took my first crack at cutting vinyl letters with my Cricut. It was a little labor intensive, but I think it was worth it. It would have cost me a fortune to buy them online. The other vinyl animals are from the Carter's Woodland Animals line. We bought the cribs at Target, they turn into toddler/day beds and full sized headboards. The shelves I scored at a yard sale for $3 each last summer!Aidan told me I spelled their names wrong. She doesn't totally know how to spell, but she knows that "Fred" and "Velma" don't start with a 'L' or 'C'.The glider rocker and changing table were from Aidan's nursery. BethBeth and Teona helped us paint it when they were here in September, they came to help us start the transition.Thank goodness for a huge closet!!!Don't panic we are having twins! Each side is half Newborn, half 0-3 Months (to justify what looks like a massive amount of clothes), oh yeah and I bought it all second hand.Getting ready for the next season on top.A place for our guests to sleep;)The 2-12x12 frames are waiting for pictures. I already had these frames thinking I'd hang something in my scrapbook room (which is no more *sad*), but I never painted them. I found a DCWV stack of scrapbook paper at JoAnn's that matches the color and theme of the room perfectly so I'll be able to make some scrappy projects for the room. This is my favorite piece of the vinyl.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

30 Weeks

30 1/2 weeks and still going strong!!! 36 weeks is average for twins, but my goal is 8 more weeks. The doctors don't think I should have any issues that wouldn't at least get me to 36 weeks. As of 12/21 they weighed 2lbs. 10oz. (girl) and 2lbs. 13oz. (boy). I have another appointment 1/18 and they should have at least gained a pound by then. From then on I will be visiting both my OB and my Perinatologist once a week, ugh!